Crucial Blast Releases
THE GOSLINGS Spaceheater/Perfect Interior CD
track listing
1. In May
2. Statuette
3. Lillian
4. Summer For Spring
5. Landing ::MP3 excerpt::
6. Bloom Again ::MP3 excerpt::
7. Celestine ::MP3 excerpt::
8. Sthenno
9. Herons
Spaceheater/Perfect Interior collects the first two EP's from husband-and-wife duo the GOSLINGS, originally released as short-run CD-Rs on low-fi/indie noise imprint Asaurus Records in 2003-2004. Working with a signature palette of melted,low-fi indie pop and muggy/smeared psych-drone ambience ground through overdriven amplifiers and shot out into pools of swirling basement shudder, The GOSLINGS adorn their gorgeous powermurk with eerie field recordings, ghostly subterranean vocals, and crackling cable buzz.If SUNN O))) had, in actuality, been a psych-addled late-80's dreampop outfit on 4AD Records, or if cult shoegazers MEDICINE had ever collaborated with drone-axe sorcerers EARTH, the resulting fug may have been similiar to this avalanche of mystic black sugar. Simultaneously ethereal and blown-out,angelic strains of four-track mud-majesty shaking the walls of the ancient well it's buried beneath.
Thank whatever god/deity or spiritual being you might believe in, thank them things for Crucial Blast. Not only is Crucial Blast one fo the premier PowerViolence/Grind/fucked-up hardcore labels on the planet, they do re-issues like very few can. In this installment of the genius re-issue is the Goslings' Spaceheater/Perfect Interior. For those of us not circulating in the noise/drone world all the time the 50 copy CDR and tape (OK, not true I buy some of that stuff too) we had no chance in hell of getting those CDR short of paying 70$ for them on eBay (yes, I am looking at you Fred). Just to be clear: I ain't paying 70$ for a fucking CDR, no matter who it is. Crucial Blast comes in and re-releases those two on a single CD for me to drool. Those CDRs were simply essential in my view to understand the Goslings and everything that they do. I mean it has a bit of everything they create with a cohesiveness that is sometimes fleeting in the subsequent releases. Spaceheater is freaking loud, the whole track is earth shaking stuff that will have your sphincter get loosy-goosy. This is the kind of drone that has me salivating.
Truly, a work of incredible depth: the sound collages, acoustic influences and everything in between is something truly captivating. The Goslings aren't the most prolific noise/experimental artists but those two sure warranted to be heard by a lot more people than it was the case before. I cannot recommend this record more than I did but to make everything crystal clear: BUY IT.